Friday, December 17, 2010

ANNOUNCING... Water Walk #2 for June 2011!

Who: Heidi Burrowes (contact person) and others  If connecting by email please put “Grand River Water Walk” as subject
What: walking 275 km along the Grand Valley Trail
See website for more information about trail:
When: Thu, June 9th ~ Sat, June 25th 17 days

The Trail(s)

The main Grand Valley Trail is a marked footpath stretching about 275 km between Port Maitland (42.866035,-79.565699) [near Rock Point Provincial Park] on Lake Erie, south of Dunnville to the town of Alton (43.860379,-80.068796), near Orangeville. A hiker can identify the main Grand Valley Trail by the white blazes approximately 5 cm wide by 15 cm high. For more information about the main trail, blazing, side trails, connecting trails (e.g. Avon and Bruce Trails), parking, camping and the trail user's code, we encourage you to purchase a copy of the GVTA Guidebook (cost & where to get copies). Please note that profits from the sale of the Guidebook are used for the purchase of trail maintenance materials such as pressure treated lumber & used to build foot bridges, boardwalks, box culverts and so on. (taken from the Grand Valley Trail website)

Why: The Grand River is calling for connection and healing. The river is more than the water that flows through it. Walking the trail allows time for recognition of the needs of the river, and connects people more fully to all of the elements.

How: Calling out for a team!!!!

This would be a team of ~

  • walkers and/or spiritual workers to take some time to connect with the Grand River.
  • Videography team
  • Drivers
  • Preparation team
  • Media Relations
  • figuring out how to outfit walkers
  • more info to come soon!
If you wish to make a donation to support the walk, please use the button found on the right side of the page.  Thank you for your support!

To read about the Water Walk #1 of the Maitland River, please visit Dancing Pelvis Designs and look at the blog postings around June 2010.