Monday, July 11, 2011

Grand River walk postponed...

It is with recognition that the Grand River walk will happen at the right time, that I am announcing that the walk for 2011 has been postponed indefinitely.  These water adventures are based on messages that I receive during shamanic journeys, and the information that I have been given is that at this time, I am to focus on skillbuilding so that I will be better prepared for the Grand River Walk when it happens.  I am now looking at June 2012 for the Grand River Walk, and until then, I am following the guidance that I receive from deep within.

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to connect with the Water that sustains us.

There are still many things that are going on in preparation for the Grand River Walk, and I would like to share with you a video that has been created.  It is the first in a series that was shot by the wonderful and talented Virginia Bowman

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Behind the scenes ways to get involved ~ please message me if you need more information

Gratitude 2011 Grand River Walk

One of the first steps that I like to do before I begin walking is to thank the people that have made this walk possible.  It is still a few months away, but already there has been involvement from others.

This page will continue to grow as the walking comes and goes.

Thank you:

Special thanks to:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grand River Water walk update ~ How supporting the walk may benefit you

During the Maitland River walk, there were so many benefits for me, that I thought that I would begin early to discuss the possible benefits for people if they were to become involved in the Grand River walk this year.